COVID-19 & HUMANS...ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता हैं ...!!! 😅

I'm breaking a link between my previous blog series here viz & & writing this- 

                               COVID-19 & HUMANS-ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता हैं ...!!! 😅  

YESS... This is what i'm forced to say after seeing this forced love affair of Covid-19 with humans...!!! I'm saying love affair cause it only affects humans majorly as of now & no other species...!!! 

       Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ji said in one of his interviews that This Corona Virus doesn't want to kill you... Because you are its habitat...! It survives on you...! You are the energy source for it...!!! But its kinda new virus... its failing to establish right relationship with humans, The synergistic relationship... where both of the entities can grow together...!!!

     It made me think in new direction...So right now; i feel its going through problems of new love affair where lovers are finding it difficult to adjust with each others & corona seems to be a very possessive lover in this love story who doesn't want to share its love with anyone...!!! It wants you too keep & maintain distance from everyone... so as soon as you get out of your home; Corona, like possessive lover; may greet you 1st with जादू  की  झप्पी  & प्यार  भरी  पप्पी (a tight hug & a kiss of infection)...😂

      OK that was a funny side to it...On a serious note ;This virus has changed our lives forever... ! This virus has changed everything around us from our habits to relations to businesses to our way of looking at life...!!! Many people in world; are facing existential crisis...!!! Thousands of  People are dying everyday... Most of the small businesses are on the verge of closing down... many people are loosing their jobs & what not...!!!  वायरस के कारण दुनिया मानो थम सी गयी है...!!! इंसान ने ऐसी आपदा  ना शायद कभी देखि है  न शायद कभी देखेगा...!!!  जो इंसान  कभी  चाँद  पर मंगल पर जाने की बातें करता था आज अपने  ही घरों  में क़ैद होकर रह गया हैं ... !!! Isn't it...???

       Now every coin has 2 sides... Corona has brought few positive things also with it... With corona @ its best; Nature is @ its peak...!!! After a long long time , Air is so pure, Rivers are so clean, Animals are having best times of their lives when humans are caged, birds are chirping, ozone layer got repaired in this short period of time, human has learned to survive with minimum requirements, understood value of relations, got time to spend with family & most importantly; Understanding whats more important in life...!!!

   one beautiful message i read somewhere was- क्या  पता  हम इंसान इस पृथ्वी के वायरस हो और कोरोना ईश्वर द्वारा भेजा  गया एंटी-वायरस ...!!! 

     SO BOTTOM-LINE IS- Humans should understand that Mother Earth is more beautiful without us... We should humbly accept that we are not the boss of this planet & should co-exist with other creatures on planet ,maintaining harmony on planet & being grateful for whatever we have got from mother earth & life...!!! We should make every effort to keep balance in nature...Being blessed with superior intelligence & capabilities ; Our evolutionary superiority should only be used to make this planet ;a better place to live...!!!

         Dear friends... Treatment of corona may take a year or so to come into existance & to reach to every person in the world, may take years together... Corona is going to stay with us for long time in future now... What i feel is in due course of time , we will learn to live with corona & corona will learn to live with us...!!! Thats the only way i feel...!!! TO CO-EXIST in this world...!!!  ये रिश्ता यही कहलाता है ...!!!

                                                                                                          - Dr. Ashish J.


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