Being A Doctor-An Overview

        Medicine... is considered as one of the most noble profession among all other professions.

Yeah... That's absolutely appropriate to say. Being able to save somebody's life..;Being able to bring a smile on a face of a diseased one & thereby his family...; Being able to relieve someone from pain & indeed a blessing...!!! Being a doctor myself i can tell you this with lot of authenticity & conviction... Trust me...!!!
          Now to gain this ability to cure 'n' care..; Doctor has to do lot of hard-work & spend lot of years of life into studies. An average age at which doctor starts his career is anywhere between 25 to 35 in India... depending upon his degree & post graduation/super post graduation studies, service to government (internship) etc etc.

 Point here is- most of the Doctors start their journey of life when most of others have very well settled in their lives with गाड़ी ,बंगला ,बिवी , बच्चे 😄 (Vehicle,house,wife n kids)...!!!

        Its lot of time & energy; which is being spent for carrying a tag of a doctor... After becoming a doctor too , its not that easy to enter into a professional practice directly. Lots of challenges to be accepted & answered... like choosing a place to practice, buy or rent a suitable place there,creating infrastructure, earn a livelihood , upgrade in coming years etc etc.

  HEY...!!! Don't be negative about medical profession...Every coin has two sides...No doubt after such A long 'तपश्चर्या '(hardships) ; mostly a doctor lives a good n fairly prosperous life.  Also... though there r lot of incidents now a days of Doctor being attacked; Medical profession is still a very respectable profession... Lets not take away dignity & respect of Medical profession because of  actions of few morons...!!!

     so friends.... Though medicine is basically a demanding branch; happiness you get when somebody comes crying in pain to you & goes with a wide smile on a face is unparallel...!!!
Present situations like corona has proved that Doctors are nothing less than real life heroes...!!!
                                                      DO YOU WANNA BE ONE...???



  1. I totally agree with you and would like to thank you for bringing that smile on my mom's face few years back. God bless you. Keep it up.

  2. Yesss...very true👏👏👏..BHT badhiya

  3. U r the real heroes of dis country, n we value every single effort of urs dat u have done b4 and in future... Thanks and all d best👍

  4. No doubt
    In today's so called proclaimed Third World War DOCTORS are real Warriers and Hero's.
    Otherwise also Doctors are always real time Hero's for the patients in need.
    We salute and respect their dedication and profession both.


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