
COVID-19 & HUMANS...ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता हैं ...!!! 😅

I'm breaking a link between my previous blog series here viz  &  & writing this-                                  COVID-19 & HUMANS-ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता हैं ...!!! 😅    YESS... This is what i'm forced to say after seeing this forced love affair of Covid-19 with humans...!!! I'm saying love affair cause it only affects humans majorly as of now & no other species...!!!          Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ji said in one of his interviews that This Corona Virus doesn't want to kill you... Because you are its habitat...! It survives on you...! You are the energy source for it...!!! But its kinda new virus... its failing to establish right relationship with humans, The synergistic relationship... where both of the entities can grow together...!!!      It made me think in new direction...So right now; i feel i

Being A Doctor- A Journey...;part-1

                       So in my last blog; we had overview in short , the life of a doctor...!!! Here is the link of that blog in case you guys have missed it-         From this blog onward we will slowly n steadily experience the journey of a doctor... This journey is going to be informative as well as an experience in itself too; even for non medicos...!!!                                                                                  So lets begin...!!!                                                                 THE JOURNEY...Its very much like this in this picture...!!! It reminds me of famous bollywood song by Shaan- आँखों  में  सपने  लिए.... घर  से  हम  चल  तो  दिए ...  जाने  ये राहे  अब ले जायेगी कहाँ ...!!! 😊 (meaning- with so many dreams in our eyes, leaving our house..., we have started our journey knowing nothing where it heads...!!!)         This journey typically starts after 12th stan

Being A Doctor-An Overview

        Medicine... is considered as one of the most noble profession among all other professions. Yeah... That's  absolutely appropriate to say. Being able to save somebody's life..;Being able to bring a smile on a face of a diseased one & thereby his family...; Being able to relieve someone from pain & indeed a blessing...!!! Being a doctor myself i can tell you this with lot of authenticity & conviction... Trust me...!!!              Now to gain this ability to cure 'n' care..; Doctor has to do lot of hard-work & spend lot of years of life into studies. An average age at which doctor starts his career is anywhere between 25 to 35 in India... depending upon his degree & post graduation/super post graduation studies, service to government (internship) etc etc.  Point here is- most of the Doctors start their journey of life when most of others have very well settled in their lives with गाड़ी ,बंगला ,बिवी , बच्चे 😄 ( Vehi