
Showing posts from April, 2020

Being A Doctor- A Journey...;part-1

                       So in my last blog; we had overview in short , the life of a doctor...!!! Here is the link of that blog in case you guys have missed it-         From this blog onward we will slowly n steadily experience the journey of a doctor... This journey is going to be informative as well as an experience in itself too; even for non medicos...!!!                                                                                  So lets begin...!!!                                                                 THE JOURNEY...Its very much like this in this picture...!!! It reminds me of famous bollywood song by Shaan- आँखों  में  सपने  लिए.... घर  से  हम  चल  तो  दिए ...  जाने  ये राहे  अब ले जायेगी कहाँ ...!!! 😊 (meaning- with so many dreams in our eyes, leaving our house..., we have started our journey knowing nothing where it heads...!!!)         This journey typically starts after 12th stan

Being A Doctor-An Overview

        Medicine... is considered as one of the most noble profession among all other professions. Yeah... That's  absolutely appropriate to say. Being able to save somebody's life..;Being able to bring a smile on a face of a diseased one & thereby his family...; Being able to relieve someone from pain & indeed a blessing...!!! Being a doctor myself i can tell you this with lot of authenticity & conviction... Trust me...!!!              Now to gain this ability to cure 'n' care..; Doctor has to do lot of hard-work & spend lot of years of life into studies. An average age at which doctor starts his career is anywhere between 25 to 35 in India... depending upon his degree & post graduation/super post graduation studies, service to government (internship) etc etc.  Point here is- most of the Doctors start their journey of life when most of others have very well settled in their lives with गाड़ी ,बंगला ,बिवी , बच्चे 😄 ( Vehi